Sunday, September 23, 2007


This Web Quest project is based upon Ocean Life surrounding the beautiful islands of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Our group decided to work on this topic because we wanted to bring a sense of awareness to the students in the CNMI about the importance of our marine resources. It will be a great asset for our future generation and thereafter, to become better environmentalist so that we can live a better, healthier, and abundance future. After completing this project, students will be able to have a sense of understanding about the importance of our marine environment and the different types of life in our surrounding ocean of the CNMI. In addition, students will be able to identify different ways they can help and be better involve in maintaining and preserving our marine resources. Upon completing this web quest, students will work collaboratively in groups as well as working individually to achieve the same common goal in completing this task. Not only will students work collaboratively, but it also taps into the different learning styles. This activity provides students with a great opportunity to expand their knowledge while using technology as a part of learning. Instead of the old traditional way of teaching, teachers can integrate technology into their curriculum by using technologies and it's resources that it has to offer, like using web quest and other useful tools.
Before starting this project, our group mates were having a little trouble in deciding what topic we wanted to do for our web quest just because there a bunch of topics that were very interesting, but later on we decided that we wanted to focus our topic on ocean life in the CNMI. I was a little confused and lost when we started this project, just because it was my first time to ever work on a web quest before, but thanks to my group members we manage to help each other along the way making it a successful web quest project. Also, using as a tool in creating this web quest was very useful and easy to use. I would use this website to create my web quest in the near future when I do become a classroom teacher. The next time I plan in creating a web quest, I will use the same website, but also try to explore other web quest tools that are out their waiting to be used.

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