Monday, November 26, 2007

Flat Stanley Project

Doing Flat Stanley Project at Ladera International School was one great experience. On the first day of doing this project, I did an introduction to the whole purpose of the Flat Stanley Project to the students.I gave them an overview of what we will be doing for the whole week and what was my expectations with them after this project. Later on I showed them a template of the Flat Stanley that they will be using for this project and describe the whole process of what the possibilities that their Stanley can look and turn out to be. As students become more familiarize and understand the purpose and process of the project, I gave them their own Flat Stanley template to use. With this template, they can do whatever they please (making it into a girl, or a boy). I also gave them a homework, which include getting a hold of an address that they will be sending their flat Stanley letters to its destination. Before wrapping up my lesson for the day I told them to keep their flat Stanley start looking for a name to name their Stanley. The following day, we continue with the templates and had them name their flat Stanley, which we had them introduce them to the rest of the class. Later on the day I introduced them with daily journals. I explain the purpose and the importance of these tasks that is a part of the project. For next following days we worked on our daily journals, which they had to take their flat Stanley with them and explain their journeys together during school time and at their homes. I have created a word banks that they can use when they do not know how to spell the words. I also edited their work to makes sure that it kind of make sense and the person receiving their journals understand what they have to say. On the following week, I had them collect souvenirs that they will be inserting into their packet that they will be sending to their destination. I also pin pointed out on the map where some of their flat Stanley destination. On the last day, I made sure that everything is ready to be send off their their destination. Ladera were very accommodating in sending them with all expense paid for.

I really enjoyed working with Ms. Marissa's 2nd grade students. They were fun to work with and easy to manage in completing this project. Although I as nervous at first, just because I wasn't sure how private schools handle their classroom procedures and all, but after the whole experience, i think it's not that bad to teach at a private school. One thing I really like this school, is how theres not much students in the the classroom. I only had seven students, isn't that amazing. Now that is a teachers dream. All in all I believe that I did an excellent job in carrying out my duties and responsibilities in making sure that this project is a success. I have gained a lot of valuable information on ways I can teach my future students, especially incorporating Flat Stanley as a part of my lessons. It is a very interesting, fun, and plus students are engaging in a meaningful learning experiences. It also a mixture of integration of different subjects; writing, reading, social studies, art, etc. I had so much fun with my students of Ladera International School along with support of Ms. Marissa McGuire. Thank you Ladera International School, I had so much fun and it was a truly memorable learning experience. I learned so much. Thanks.

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